Sunday, January 11, 2009

Wax On, Wax Off

Shh! I am secretly teaching martial arts to 10 students during our upper school's annual Winterim. The students think that they are learning to paint and collage with beeswax, however, they are actually in training to work alongside Jaden Smith in the remake of the 1984 Karate Kid.

Every afternoon last week, these students submerged paint brushes into crock pots filled with beeswax and slathered wax on canvas boards. Next step involved fusing the wax to the board with hot quilting irons. Paper and images were added, topped with more wax and fused with quilting irons. And so on. At the end of 2 1/2 hours, the students had successfully created collages with good design principles. My goal for this class is to complete thematic bodies of work to be displayed at the close of Winterim on Friday.

Check out last week's efforts below:

Student Gallery

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